Admissions for Class V-IX


Admissions Update Academic Year 2025-26

Parents may register for admission to CLASS V from 18th February to 24th February 2025.

Last date for receipt of completed registration forms is 25th February 2025 (2:00 pm).

Dropbox for submitting the completed form shall be available at the school gate from 19th to 25th February, between 8:00 am and 2:00 pm. (Sunday 23rd February is a holiday).

You could also submit the form by registered post or courier (in case you are unable to put it in the drop box).

No documents are required to be submitted along with the registration form.

Parent meetings for considered applications shall be scheduled in 2nd week of March 2025.

Registration, however, does not guarantee admission, as class size is limited.

The Registration Form can be downloaded till 24th February 2025 and the completed forms can be submitted between 18th February and 25th February 2025.

Registration Costs: Please send a Demand Draft for Rs. 500/- in favour of “The School – KFI” and payable at Chennai towards registration costs, along with a printed copy of the Registration Form. Please mention the child’s name and class applied for at the back of the demand draft. The registration form will be processed only after the receipt of demand draft towards registration costs.

We will acknowledge the receipt of the registration form and demand draft towards the registration costs and allocate the registration number.

All correspondence will be done by email as far as possible.

The Registration Forms shall be available only online on the school website. They will not be issued at the school office.

For any further clarification, please send us an email : office@theschoolkfi.org


The admissions process is under review and may be subject to change depending on the educational policy guidelines that may come into force.

Please keep checking this page for updates on admissions.